Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Getting off my butt and stirring the pot...

Recently, I've gotten some questions about whether I'm actively dating anymore. The answer is yes, I still go on a lot of dates. In fact, my guy roommate never ceases to be amazed at the sheer number of dates on which I go (although he is easy to impress, as he hasn't gone on a date since I've known him). But here's the thing: for me, there is a monumental difference between "going" on a date and actually "being" on a date. "Going" on dates has become such a large part of my life, that I've actually added it to my resume. However, with the exception of a couple recent, random, dates with J-Dogg, it's been awhile since I've really been on a date.

Until last night.

I met Military Man last week and was actually rather excited to give him my phone number. Although he is very cute, when it came time to actually go on a date with Military Man, I didn't feel like it...I wanted to sit at home, watching DVRed episodes of Gossip Girl and drinking wine. However, this is generally the reaction I have to the EXHAUSTING prospect of a first date. I didn't feel like taking a shower, doing my hair, picking out an outfit and struggling through "first date conversation." I was about to cancel when my Girl Roommate gave me the speech: "Just suck it up and go. You never know, it could be great. Plus, Guy Roommate is parked on the couch watching sports...again. Even a first date beats battling him for the remote."

Can't argue with that.

So, I took a shower, did my hair, picked out an outfit and gave myself a pep talk. Turns out that Military Man is really quite interesting. He is from Iowa, went to college in Wisconsin, enrolled in Officer's school after graduation, joined the Navy, served in Iraq, came back and is now finishing up his service while simultaneously getting his MBA from a very prestigious program. He suffered through my endless questions - and relative cluelessness - about the military, and seemed interested in my work and my life as well. Overall, it was very pleasant.

Maybe I'll see Military Man again, maybe I won't. Regardless, last night was exactly what I needed to remember what it feels like to enjoy a date (with someone other than J-Dogg). It also made me realize that being bored with my dating life isn't an excuse to camp out on the couch and live vicariously through my favorite friends from The Upper East Side - it's a reason to stir the pot a little.

So, in an attempt to stir the pot, I invited several guys that are yet to be important enough to have nicknames, to the Halloween party I'm throwing with my roommates on Friday night. It could end up being a disaster, but at least I know my vintage Betty Boop costume will go to good use.


Anonymous said...

How was the halloween party?

Anonymous said...

How was the halloween party?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing as the other "anonymous". Now we need an update on how the party went and who showed up. I need to know how much drama there was :)